In 2020 I started working for Green Office Hogeschool Utrecht. For the past few years, I had already been busy making sustainability in its broadest definition a part of my daily life.
Green Office HU is the bottom-up sustainability platform of Hogeschool Utrecht. They are the place where students and employees alike can go to have their green ideas become a reality. Green Office is run by six students and one coördinator.
At Green Office I was part of the team Communication and Visibility. As I started during the covid pandemic my first focus became gaining a better online presence. I created a recognizable visual identity that stayed within the limits of the larger HU-coporate visual identity yet still made Green Office stand out. Another requirement was that my colleagues who were not familiar with the Adobe Suite of products could also easily apply the visual identity to their messages.
Week Zonder Vlees

Every day one person was featured (scroll through horizontally)
During the ‘Nationale Week Zonder Vlees’ (National Week Without Meat) I invited the Green Office team to introduce themselves and their favourite meatless dish to inspire our followers with all the delicious things they can make without meat.
Duurzaamheidshandboek voor Utrechtse Studentenorganisaties
Green Office University Utrecht, Green Office Hogeschool Utrecht, Vidius Studentenunie and Studievereniging Storm joined forces to create a manual to help studentorganisations become more sustainable. I was tasked with designing it into a clear digital document that did not follow one organisation's visual guidelines but looked neutral.
Sustainable Minors at HU

Green Office HU keeps an overview of all sustainable minors offered at HU. This used to result in a long list of links with numbers behind them of what Sustainable Development Goals are touched upon in the minor. This is hard to read, especially for those who don't know the SDGs by heart. To make this overview more user friendly I created a visual overview so students can quickly see what minor works on the SDGs they find most important.
Bee hotel

For World Bee Day we installed bee hotels on the roof terrace of the most sustainable HU building to add to the biodiversity of Utrecht Science Park. I laser engraved the Green Office logo and social handles into the wood at CMD Makerspace. When I returned a few months later I noticed many holes were filled with pollen, which means the bees have found their rooms.
Together with Podium HU I helped make RoadMap, a series of videos showing sustainable initiatives from the perspective of a student. I created the animated intro (starts at 00:16) and helped making the show a reality from behind the scenes .
©️ Bart Leguijt —
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